Can’t Believe It
Christmas cheer was in full swing, and all the neighbors had decorated their homes. However, one couple turned into the driveway and was shocked to see what their neighbor did. It ruined their holiday spirit, and they were frozen in place by the horror.

Can’t Believe It
Loving the Neighborhood
Phil and Rosie Hutcherson had lived in their home for about seven years. They felt it was the perfect neighborhood because everyone was nice and kind. It was a great neighborhood to live in and they thought it would be a great place to grow their family.

Loving the Neighborhood
A Turn for the Worst
While Phil and Rosie loved their neighborhood and home, things were about to take a nasty turn. They had no idea what might happen when a new neighbor moved in next door, and they wondered what could be wrong with the man.

A Turn for the Worst
Going Nowhere
Phil and Rosie saw people come and go in their neighborhood, but they had no plans to move. They loved where they lived, but nothing lasts forever. When he pulled his mean stunt, they were ready to pack and leave.

Going Nowhere
A New Week
Rosie and Phil prepared for the week ahead. They sipped their coffee and ate a quick meal together before heading to work. They had to go back to the grindstone and were refreshed for it all after a lovely Christmas.

A New Week
The Moving Van
As they left the house, they slammed their front door like always. However, they saw a moving van across the street. That was quite intriguing, but they couldn’t do anything now because they were in a hurry.

The Moving Van
New Neighbor
The house in front of theirs had been for sale now for a few months. It appeared that they would get a new neighbor, and they wondered what they’d be like. However, they expected politeness and charm because that’s how everyone else acted.

New Neighbor
Introducing Themselves
The couple wasn’t afraid to meet new people and liked to make friends. They always welcomed the new neighbors into the community as soon as they could. It was their way of being kind and helpful.

Introducing Themselves
After Work
When the pair returned from work later that day, they went to the new neighbor’s home and had a full basket of treats. Rosie rang the man’s doorbell, and they waited for the person to appear.

After Work
It took a while, but a man finally opened the door, giving his name as Jacob. He didn’t talk much, though he grabbed at the basket of treats and muttered his thanks. Though it wasn’t rude, necessarily, they didn’t feel he was gracious.

Settling In
After a few weeks, it appeared that the new neighbor, Jacob, was settling into his home. However, he never said hello or acknowledged the couple. Rosie and Phil didn’t let that stop them from waving and greeting him whenever they could.

Settling In
No Idea
When December came, everyone enjoyed the festivities all around them. The couple preferred to decorate their house, and they did so this time, as well. However, they were in for a shock when the neighbor tried ruining Christmas!

No Idea
Christmas Time
The couple loved Christmas and always went above and beyond when it came to decor. Rosie preferred to transform the home into Santa’s Magical Village every year. Those who saw it were filled with holiday spirit, and it seemed like Jacob was trying to ruin the good cheer!

Christmas Time
Rosie and Phill saw the neighbor milling around his property, and his face was ugly with disgust. Could he hate twinkling lights and snowflakes that much? It surely seemed like that was the case!

It Has to Go
The couple was outside decorating when the neighbor showed up and got in their faces. They put on fake smiles, but the man continued his anger, saying that everything had to go while pointing at the house. What could his problem with the decorations be?

It Has to Go
No Way
Phil and Rosie were shocked. She asked the neighbor to repeat his request because she knew she’d heard wrong. However, he repeated it, and that made her blood boil. It was Christmas time, after all, and the lights were staying. Jacob was unhappy.

No Way
Jacob started swearing at Rosie, with his voice getting louder than necessary. Phil had to intervene, demanding Jacob back up. He ended up leaving, but that wasn’t the end here. He had a terrible plan to make them pay.

Won’t Back Down
The neighbor returned to his home, and Rosie exclaimed, “He can’t do that! We won’t get rid of our Christmas lights!” They turned back to check on their house and knew it was beautiful. However, the neighbor continued to plot his revenge.

Won’t Back Down
Going Home
Phil and Rosie had been out shopping for their Christmas presents on Saturday, but they were ready to head home and get some hot drinks. They sang along to the songs on the radio, but they were shocked when they pulled into the driveway.

Going Home
They pulled into the driveway to see that the neighbor had also put up decorations, though his spelled a very rude word. The cuss word then featured an arrow beneath, which pointed to their house!

Boiling Rage
Phil immediately pulled into the driveway, and the couple was both angry with rage. They could not believe he’d done this and marched right to the man’s home to tell him off. They were simply that mad.

Boiling Rage
The Confrontation
Phil and Rosie banged on the man’s door, and he had a smile on his face as he opened up. They demanded that he remove it, but Jacob just said the same things they’d told him a few days ago, slamming the door in their faces without anything more.

The Confrontation
No Help
They wanted the neighbor to remove the rude lights, so they called the council for a ruling. However, they said that Christmas lights weren’t that important to them. Phil and Rosie got on the local news channel to bring awareness to the matter.

No Help
The Curse Word Stays
Nothing Phil and Rosie did helped them. That cuss word stayed on the wall, blinking and offensive. It truly hurt them, so they decided to do something about it. No one would help, so it was in their hands!

The Curse Word Stays
Yule Battle Begins
The first step for the couple was to get plenty more lights. They hit up the stores and packed carts with holiday decorations. In fact, they made sure to grab multi-colored bulbs and twinkle lights galore. They would fight fire with fire.

Yule Battle Begins
Getting Started
They got back home and sorted through their many decorations. Phil and Rosie made a toast to their clever plan over a glass of wine that evening. It started out enjoyable and calm, though it escalated very fast.

Getting Started
Different Energy
The couple was giggling now and wanted to hurry up and get their message on the walls. Their goal was to complete it before the neighbor got home. They’d barely got the door closed and turned on the lights when his vehicle pulled into the driveway.

Different Energy
New Look
As he got home, Jacob’s face turned sour even more. Phil and Rosie turned to each other with huge grins on their faces and began laughing. They were now done with stage one, but they still had more to go for their revenge.

New Look
Power Bill
Rosie and Phil planned to break Jacob down with their Christmas spirit. It made no difference to the pair if they received a larger electricity bill than usual or had a tacky setup. They needed revenge, regardless of what it took.

Power Bill
Rosie hadn’t finished with Jacob. She decided to grab some older clothing from a pile and created a great outfit. Then, she stuffed the clothing with paper to bring to life a winter scarecrow. It rocked the neighborhood.

Perfectly Planned
The schedule for revenge unfolded perfectly. When it began, the obnoxious man couldn’t know what hit him. He would arrive home every day and see something new they’d added, which angered him. Finally, he decided to leave a note on the door.

Perfectly Planned
Angry Note
The note he left was very rude. It mentioned that Santa’s reindeer would hopefully stomp on their heads because the lights would show him the way. While he likely thought it was clever, it didn’t have the effect he’d wanted.

Angry Note
Others Caught on
Rosie and Phil knew that they had created a Christmas spark that would spread throughout the neighborhood. However, they didn’t expect any of the other neighbors to see it and like it. Then, they found a box on their doorstep the following morning.

Others Caught On
The Cause
The house from across the street had seen the scene, and they wanted to contribute to the plan of revenge from Rosie and Phil. They got their old decorations and donated them to this cause. Word spread, with even more decorations coming!

The Cause
Thank You
Rosie liked to get up each morning and look in the new box of cheerful decorations. She always put thank-you notes in the neighbors’ mailboxes. However, she was careful not to give identifying information that might get them in trouble.

Thank You
Like a Comedy Movie
Rosie and Phil’s home wasn’t a well-planned display anymore. It was a December explosion, and it rivaled comedy movies of all types. Jacob was just about ready to burn everything down before the last and unexpected stage of the plan.

Like a Comedy Movie
Enjoying the Sights
Rosie enjoyed sipping hot chocolate and watching her “Clark Griswold” scarecrow she’d made from the old clothing. Everyone from the street could watch it dangling because it was hanging from the eaves.

Enjoying the Sights
Message Gone
They added a “Grinch” message to the outfit, with an arrow that pointed to the neighbor’s house. One day, she looked out and saw that he’d removed his message. They’d won the battle, but now, what would they do with the decorations?

Message Gone
Good Memories
Rosie took down some of those decorations, including her Grinch one. They had made their point loud and clear, and the grand gesture had served its purpose. The couple was victorious and didn’t want to push anymore.

Good Memories
Returning the Decorations
Rosie and Phil chose to return the decorations they’d been given for the revenge plan after New Year’s Day. Though it started on a bad note, it was a fun and memorable Christmas for everyone.

Returning the Decorations