The Photo That Changed The Course Of This Gymnast’s Career

Published on April 5, 2022

Big Goals In Mind

McKayla’s mother was a figure skater in high school, so it’s clear that McKayla inherited her interest in sports from her parents. They also knew that she had a special talent early on, and they continued to support her and her dream. This is part of the reason why they started to home school her.

McKayla Maroney

McKayla Maroney

Making Strides

Once she began to be home schooled, Maroney was able to dedicate a lot more of her time to gymnastics. This was another advantage that helped her, along with the fact that she started in the sport from a very young age. She said: “I realized that I had a dream that I wanted to go to the Olympics, and I wanted to go as far as I could go. I thought I should probably move to a new gym and start thinking about the Olympics.”

Making Strides

Making Strides